
Local Projects & WXY Architecture + Urban Design
2006 – 2008

The Times Square Visitors’ Center has been in on and off development for a few years, and has seen two major design approaches.
What both designs share, however, is the ability to transform the space with media: Lots of screens and architectural features are replaced by a bevy of strategically placed projectors that allow the feel of the entire space to be changed at a moment’s notice.

The space for the TSVC used to be a movie theater that showed newsreels. Part of the the show will include this return to the classic.


New Years celebrations

The New Year’s Even Ball, is hidden inside a chamber of SmartGlass that shifts to transparent at the end of the show.

Older designs of the TSVC were also skinnable, but included “ribbons” along the ceiling, interactive tables, and an information desk at the back.

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